
Secure email for doctors

Are you concerned about sensitive data or patient information in your inbox?

Want some peace of mind around your email security, for free?

As a fully managed IT provider specialising in the Australian Medical Industry, we noticed many doctors rely on personal email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail for their every-day email. We wanted to provide medical professionals with a secure email service, hosted within Australia and relevant to their profession. GPMail bridges the gap between secure work email attributed to a particular business, and typical personal emails provided by large overseas organisations.

You can use GPMail as your secure login (email) for other medical services, including Secure File Sharing, results websites, etc.

GPMail is hosted in an ISO 27001, IRAP PROTECTED Australian Secure Cloud, which specialises in IT and Cloud for the Australian Medical Industry.

Being cloud hosted, GPMail is accessible anywhere, provided you have a browser and internet connectivity!

Get in touch

Use the form below to leave us a message and one of our team will be in touch as soon as possible. Alternatively you can call us on 1800 234 357 or email [email protected]. If you are an existing customer and need support, please visit our Support Page to submit a support request.