It’s Time for Digital Spring Cleaning!

digital spring cleaning tips

It’s Time for Digital Spring Cleaning! Keeping your systems and information up to date should really be an on-going, year-round task, but we all know how busy life can get! Tasks pile up, documents go out of date, and prioritising these security revisions gets left to next week, next month, and then eventually forgotten. These … Read more

Australian Cyber Security Strategy

Australian Cyber Security Strategy

Australia’s 2023-2030 Cyber Security Strategy: A Comprehensive Blueprint for a Secure Digital Future In an era where digital threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, Australia’s 2023-2030 Cyber Security Strategy stands as a robust framework designed to safeguard the nation’s digital landscape. Unveiled in November 2023, this strategy aims to elevate Australia to a world leader in … Read more

It’s TAX Time

Don’t make tax time more taxing. Follow these steps to stay alert and avoid scams! 1. VERIFYCheck authenticity of any communications and verify any suspicious emails, calls, or messages by contacting the ATO. 2. PROTECTProtect your personal information and never share it with unknown parties. Ensure your online accounts are protected with strong, unique passwords … Read more

Email Quarantine, Explained!

WHAT IS EMAIL QUARANTINE? Each morning you may receive a Quarantine Report. If you believe there is an unsolicited email, do not release it- DELETE IT! Quarantine flags emails that appear suspicious, and could contain scams like phishing and malware. Quo’s filtering system works to stop suspicious emails before you receive them and have to … Read more

Cybercrime and Malware in Australian Healthcare IT: Know Your Risk

In recent years, the healthcare sector in Australia has experienced a surge in cybercrime and malware attacks, posing significant threats to patient data security and clinical operations. As healthcare organizations increasingly rely on digital technologies to deliver efficient and patient-centric care, they become prime targets for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain or … Read more

Understanding Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Empowering Your Digital Infrastructure

In today’s digital era, businesses face the challenge of managing complex IT infrastructure while striving for agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. In response to these demands, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has emerged as a transformative solution, offering essential computing resources on demand and empowering organizations to leverage cloud infrastructure with unprecedented flexibility and control. What … Read more

Essential Checklist for IT Data Security in Healthcare: A Guide for Providers in Australia

In the realm of healthcare, data security isn’t just a matter of protecting information; it’s about safeguarding the well-being and privacy of patients. With the rapid digital transformation of the healthcare sector in Australia, ensuring robust IT data security measures is paramount. Healthcare providers handle sensitive patient information, making them prime targets for cyber threats. … Read more

Unveiling UTP (Unified Threat Protection)

Unified Threat Protection (UTP) is a comprehensive security solution designed to safeguard networks from a multitude of cyber threats. You may also know it as UTM, or Unified Threat Management!Unified Threat Protection Core Components – Firewall: Guards against unauthorised access and malicious activities by monitoring and controlling network traffic.– Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS): … Read more

What To Do When A Staff Member Leaves

Make sure to inform your IT support! “Recently, some GP’s left our inform your IT support! clinic and started a new practice. Ever since, all our long-standing patients left to attend the new practice. The PM couldn’t figure out how our patients were being poached. “Then, the PM’s security report pinged accounts still in use … Read more

New Year, New Cyber Habits

As we usher in a new year, it’s the perfect time to cultivate a fresh mindset towards our digital well-being. In the ever-evolving landscape of cyberspace, adopting new cyber security habits is not just a resolution but a necessity. Our first InfoByte for 2024 serves as a guide to fortify your digital defences and navigate … Read more