It’s Time for Digital Spring Cleaning!

digital spring cleaning tips

It’s Time for Digital Spring Cleaning!

Keeping your systems and information up to date should really be an on-going, year-round task, but we all know how busy life can get! Tasks pile up, documents go out of date, and prioritising these security revisions gets left to next week, next month, and then eventually forgotten. These innocent human errors continue to be the easiest target for cyber-attacks, resulting in data breaches all over the world.

Ensure your business infrastructure is secure and up-to-date with our comprehensive IT security and management solutions.

So, let this be a reminder of the importance to reset, refresh, and revitalise your digital security with these digital cleaning tips.

Start by going through all your system passwords and double check: when was the last time you updated your password? Is it unique and strong? Are you storing them somewhere insecure, or easily accessible to prying eyes?

Now have a think back, when was the last time you had a refresher on your company’s processes and procedures, or cybersecurity policies? Do you know how to spot a scam? Or the appropriate steps to take when you come across one?

This applies to your personal computers and phones as well! How many apps are rattling around with your personal information? Can you delete any old accounts you no longer use? The less personal data floating around that a hacker could swoop in and grab, the better.

Remove files and folders that are no longer necessary, empty out your trash folder, review any required bookmarks, close out past staff accounts and access, run any available updates…

Consider these digital spring cleaning tips to protect your information and clean out.

Clean out for the new season!

Digital spring clean